It’s Alive! Basement Project Pt. 2

I know, I know… Basement Pt. 1 was such a cliffhanger. How could I leave you on the edge of your seat like that? Well wait no more because today I spent three hours doing this: BEFORE PRIMER AFTER PRIMER Right? I hear you… ah-mazing! As obvious from the pics, there’s not much to sayContinue reading “It’s Alive! Basement Project Pt. 2”

DAY 10: Prettying up the Breakfast Nook

I live in a little blue Craftsman that was built in 1911. It has about 1,000 square feet of living space which can feel rather cramped at times with 2 adults, 2 kids. When you live in this small amount of space, you either: A) responsibly purge unneeded items, or B) Shove them in everyContinue reading “DAY 10: Prettying up the Breakfast Nook”

DAY 1: Prep = 80% of the work, 0% of the fun

Alright! Let’s get this “Make Stuff Up” Challenge going. I’m super psyched and ready to… PREP. UGH. Ok, so yeah, maybe this isn’t the most exciting way to kick off my creative challenge but this basement project has been hanging over my head for awhile so let’s start big. Truth be told, the real shoutContinue reading “DAY 1: Prep = 80% of the work, 0% of the fun”