Eat Alameda

They say necessity is the mother of invention for a reason. When you get really desperate for something, like you can’t stand it the way it is for one more second, this is the moment of creative change. For example, I physically could not step foot in any of the same few restaurants our family frequents. They are all perfectly fine restaurants but I was desperate for change.

Some out there might say “Why didn’t you just insist your kids go to the restaurant of YOUR choosing?”

A valid question, especially from those who don’t have kids. But it wasn’t enough for me to force it and then deal with the whining and begging (meaning ME begging THEM to eat SOMETHING). I wanted full participation by my four and six year old. Even more, I wanted them to become excited to try new things. Daring to dream, and in a fit of desperation, it came to me.

Make it a challenge. With a trophy.

I presented the challenge: Try every restaurant in Alameda.
I presented the award: The promise of a shiny trophy.

And without much hesitation, the deal was struck. First with my six year old, and then with my four year old who followed him willingly. IT WORKED! With one caveat: Jack amended the prizes to include a medal for making the half way point. Nice negotiating son, it’s a deal!

Bucket of Alameda Restaurant Names
Bucket of Alameda Restaurant Names

WHAT: Try every restaurant in town
WHY: Because I am sick of tacos
HOW: Write all restaurant names on a slip of paper, put them in a pot. Pick from them when we go out.

1400 Bar & Grill
Hang Ten Boiler
Mint Leaf
Homeroom Racing Cafe
Pho Sinh
Sidestreet Pho

Keep checking back, this list will expand. There are about 140 restaurants in Alameda and, with restaurants we’ve already been to pre-challenge, we’re about 25 in. We’ve got some eating to do.

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